
Showing posts from 2011


快乐有三法:舍得、放下、忘记。快乐有四要素:可以改变的去改变 ,不可改变的去改善,不能改善的去承担,不能承担的就放下。

最珍贵的东西 ..


Relationships Between Two

Relationships don’t need promises, terms & conditions. It just needs TWO people: who can trust& who can understand. 感情不需要诺言,协议与条件。它只需要两个人:一个能够信任的人,与一个愿意理解的人。

Point #7,8 & 9

7) You can require yourself to keep promises but you cannot expect others to do the same. You can require yourself to treat others well but others may not do the same to you. How you treat others doesn't means others will treat you the way you treated them. If you understand this point, you will not have a lot of unnecessary frustrations in your future. 8) Your daddy has not even strike once a lottery although he has bought it for the last 10 years or so. This simply means, if you want to be rich, you need to work hard for it. In this world, there is no such thing as free lunch. 9) Your relatives and you are only fated to meet in this life. No matter how long we will be together in this life, please appreciate our time together because in the next life, we may not meet again.

Point #4, 5 & 6

4) In this world, there is nothing that is your ' MOST '; - most love, most like, most happy. Because all these emotions and feeling will change according with time and your maturity. If your most loved one leave you one day, please wait patiently for a moment. Let the time slowly flush away your sadness and sorrow. Love between boy and girl is not the whole world, and break-off is also not the end of the world. 5) Although there are many successful people who didn't have high education, that doesn't means that you will enjoy success without study hard and diligently. The knowledge that you acquire will be your weapon of success. 6) We will not expect you to take care of us in the second half of our lives and likewise, you don't expect us to take care of you too. Our journey of responsible towards you will ends the day you are independent . In your future, whether you want to take a bus or drive a Merz , lies totally in your own hands.

Point #1, 2 & 3

Jia Xuan , Kai Bin and Amber , Below are few things you have to remember for the rest of your life : 1) You mustn't be too bother or concern should someone doesn't treats you well. In your life, it is not a responsible or a must for someone to treat you good except your mom and dad. On the other hand, you must appreciate and have gratitude to those who treats you well. However, you still need to have a room for a little caution as everyone do have a reason behind their action. When the person treats you good and well doesn't means that the person likes you or love you. Don't give your trust straight away and take the person as your good friend without any doubt. You need to make sure that the person is really genuine and truthful. 2) No one in this world is indispensable. Nothing in this world is a must to have. If you are clear about this 2 points, then in the future should your life-partner leaves you or you lost something precious, it would not be a great deal ...

Words To My Children - Jia Xuan, Kai Bin & Amber

Reasons for these sharing : 1) Life is so fragile. Things keep changing and no one knows how long we could live. 2) I am your mummy and if i don't tell you this, then no one will. 3) Whatever I wanna say later is all based on my life experience - my failure, my suffering; all that I had painfully gone through.

Goodbye to my dearest 大姐

Goodbye, I can't cry…I can't look down at your face and cry, because I know if the tears spill over my cheeks this time they are never going to stop. Kneeling before you, praying to god that you are okay is one of the hardest goodbyes i have ever dealt with, I know that your away from the pain, I know that your happy now, I know that nothing can hurt you now, but I also know that I will never see you on this earth ever again. I will never get a chance to say goodbye and I will never get a chance not to cry.

幸福 ...

幸福 不是房子有多大,而是房里的笑声有多甜;幸福不是你能开多豪​华的车,而是你开着车能平安到家;幸福不是爱人多漂亮,而是爱人​的笑容多灿烂;幸福不是在成功时喝彩多热烈,而是失意时会不会有​个声音对你说——朋友别倒下;幸福不是听过多少甜言蜜语,而是在​你伤心时能有人对你说:没事有我在。